Consecration to Mary
Oh Mother, Queen of our hearts, Our Lady of the Rosary, on this day I consecrate my life to you and promise to be an instrument of definition of the way towards your Beloved Son. I place before you my body, my energy, my soul, everything that I possess, that I may work my way towards a life of plenitude in your virtues and promulgate your name as Mother of the True Way to the Father.
On Thursday, April 23, 1953 the Most Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three humble children in Sabana Grande, a small town in the southwestern part of Puerto Rico. The children, Juan Angel Collado and the sisters Isidra and Ramonita Belén, aged from seven to nine years, were students at a small rural school named after the Puerto Rican poetess and patriot Lola Rodríguez de Tió. At lunchtime it was customary for the children to fetch water from a nearby well. That day, when Juan Angel went there to get water, a deep silence came over the area and the Blessed Mother appeared for the first time. She seemed to be standing on a cloud, five or six feet above a hillock, near the well. She was dressed in a white tunic fastened at the neck with a brooch. A blue mantle covered her head. She wore a belt around her waist and sandals on her feet. In her hands she held a rosary, and a crown of seven stars shone above her head.
On the third day, Saturday, April 25, the Blessed Virgin identified herself to the children as Our Lady of the Rosary. She appeared for 33 consecutive days, from April 23 to May 25. Ramonita and Isidra accompanied Juan Angel from the second day on. From the fifth day on, a multitude of people began to visit the site, teaching became impossible, and the children were not allowed to go to the well. So, from then on, Our Lady began walking from the well to the school, where she assumed the role of teacher for the three visionaries. She taught them by the use of words, images, and symbols. During her visit, great numbers of miracles and healings took place. Our Lady wanted to leave clear evidence of her presence there, so that people would believe when the time came to reveal the seven messages, which she left in 1953.
To help us understand her important message our Blessed Mother used many symbols. On the third day she descended from her cloud, thus symbolizing Christ’s Resurrection. Her 33-day visit symbolizes Jesus’ thirty-three years and the founding of His true Church. Her visits to the school are a symbol of our pilgrimage towards the Lord. The school itself symbolizes education, for she assumed the role and behavior of teacher of a new generation.
The number 7 is a symbol of spiritual plenitude, and the Church’s sacred number as well. On her first visit, Mary presented us with a rainbow of seven colors. The seven articles of her attire underscore her message: the seven stars in her crown symbolize the seven sacraments, with the large star on her forehead symbolizing the Eucharist. Her blue mantle symbolizes the spiritual guidance and the protection she offers to all her children, her white tunic is a sign of our apostolic mission, and the brooch symbolizes Mary’s sovereignty over the apostles of our times. Her belt symbolizes our obedience to the true Church. The rosary symbolizes prayer and her sandals symbolize our pilgrimage towards God, consisting in living a truly Christian life.
The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, as a mother watching over the needs of her children, came to warn and direct us, and to define for us the True Way to salvation. Her purpose was to leave us the mandate of forming a new generation of true Christians who would recognize her as the Mother of the True Way to the Father, and as the Mother of the True Church, sustained by the seven sacraments which Jesus Christ instituted, and of which we are urged to partake.
Our Lady of the Rosary of El Pozo, as the people fondly called her, also wants us to imitate her seven virtues: humility, generosity, chastity, patience, temperance, charity, and diligence. And she teaches us that the necessary means for achieving these goals are sacrifice and prayer.
The following is the first message left by the Most Blessed Virgin Mary on her apparition at Barrio Rincón in Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico in April 23, 1953. It was made known to the world on May 5, 1978, once her indications were fulfilled.
“Go out into the world, and when you are most deeply submerged in darkness, and after you have denied my name, an envoy will come to remind you of the True Way. Satan will knock at your door and you will drive him away in anger. This is the sign that the time has come to make known the following promise:
I promise to facilitate and/or provide, before the hour of death, the graces necessary for salvation to all those who, in defining the way toward my Most Beloved Son in these times of confusion, promulgate my name as Mother of the True Way to the Father.”
The following is the second message left by the Most Blessed Virgin Mary on her apparition at Barrio Rincón in Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico in April 1953. It was made known to the world on February 13, 1984, once her indications were fulfilled.
“The time will come when the spiritual and moral deterioration of the shepherds of my Son’s flock will be a matter of public knowledge. The indifference of the children of God will not allow them to perceive the great danger, which lies in wait. The pain in my heart will be all the more piercing, since it will be these beloved sons who abandon me. This is the sign that the time has come to make the following message known:
Difficult and confusing those times will be. Spiritual growth will become very difficult for the children of God, and further times will come when such growth will seem almost impossible. My new children, be watchful, for indifference and confusion will prevail along the way, and throughout the world. Strange ideas and new philosophies will enshroud the true way in greater darkness. The teachings of my Most Beloved Son, the order established by the Father, and truth itself, will be replaced by these new and strange beliefs. The egoism of the children of God will be the cause of conflicts and divisions, which will intensify my pain. Recognize that the shepherds of the flock are human beings as well. Forgive their faults and help them, for they represent my Son. Remain firm in the True Way, in the Church of my Son, for times of great trial draw near; suffering will be necessary, prayer and sacrifice will be mandatory.
Protect yourselves under my mantle and live in my virtues. Plenitude is what I desire, for this is what my Son has entrusted to me. Seven will be the offspring, and seven will be the swords. There will be seven generations and then countless others. Two ways will open up before these generations: destruction and construction, defeat and victory.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way. .
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.”
The following is the third message left by the Most Blessed Virgin Mary on her apparition at Barrio Rincón in Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico in April 1953. It was made known to the world on April 26, 1987, once her indications were fulfilled.
“By that time, the Holy Father, true and beloved son, will have visited this land. It will be a time of repression and persecution for those who promulgate my name as Mother of the True Way to the Father. In those times of tribulation a great hope will arise. Thousands of my children will gather in a demonstration of true love and will unite their hearts to mine in order to beseech mercy from my Most Beloved Son. This is the sign that the time has come to make the following message known:
Humanity has submerged itself in profound indifference; it lacks faith, hope and charity. Egoism, pride, materialism and slander corrupt the hearts of many. My children beware of egoism; this demon has penetrated the souls of many in the True Way.
Children, the Hour has come, it is the Hour for all men to join together in continuous prayer to beseech my Son’s mercy. It is necessary that the Holy Father appeal to priests, religious, bishops and the chosen, calling on them to pray the Rosary for the conversion of all men, in union with all the children of the Church.
New children, my children, pray for the transformation of humanity, of those who have turned away from God, and most especially for the leaders of the Church.
It is the hour for all to become the Voice of the Way. May charity, the love of my Most Beloved Son, be spread through your words and example. The Church must be open to all men on Earth, for my Son died on the cross for all sinners.
At eleven o’clock in the morning I visited you for the first time to call you at this Hour of peril. A great danger threatens humanity… My new children, be alert, Plenitude is what I desire.
To all those who, in these difficult times, pray five mysteries of the Rosary every day, I promise my maternal protection, covering them with my mantle and bestowing on them the graces they need.
Protect yourselves under my mantle and live in my virtues. Plenitude is what I desire, for this is what my Son has entrusted to me. Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.”
The following is the fourth message left by the Most Blessed Virgin Mary in her apparition at Barrio Rincón in Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico in April 1953. It was made known to the world on May 25, 1992, once her indications were fulfilled.
“Those will be difficult times of great social and moral deterioration, but above all, of spiritual deterioration. Men’s egoism will rule. Those consecrated to my Most Beloved Son Jesus, through my call to promulgate a new generation of true Christians, will be persecuted. Some new children, consecrated to my small kingdom, will pierce my heart with the sword of treason and abandonment of their promise to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, the message of restoration will be welcomed and promulgated beyond the sea, where I have set my right foot. In those times of great tribulation and persecution, I will send the Angel who will show you the way once again. This is the sign that the time has come to make the following message known:
Thousands of souls are lost daily, dragged down by sin and infidelity to my Most Beloved Son. Social, moral, and spiritual deterioration darkens humanity that populate the Earth. The prophesied times have arrived in which parents and children destroy each other. Humanity is submerged in a great crisis of faith that passes unnoticed. Most men do not keep their Christian commitments. Driven by egoism and pride, they have fallen into the deceit of appearances and the superficiality of human demands. Some priests, ministers of my Son and shepherds of the flock, are irreverent in celebrating the Holy Sacraments; they become allies of the enemy by their infidelity to their consecrated life, their love of money, their longing for recognition and their unrestrained desire for pleasure. They are responsible for much loss of faith; they foment disunity, and they engender antagonism and violence. Such as these, if they do not repent and begin a life of penance, will lose their souls forever. I remind you, my children, that they have the task of representing my Son on Earth and, as Christians, you should love and help them. Offer your prayers and sacrifices for their conversion. I confirm to you that my Son’s Love and Mercy are great for those who make reparation. The elixir of My Son’s Merciful Love covers and clothes those who faithfully fulfill their commitments.
It is the Hour in which the fulfillment of prophecies is beginning because you have not responded to my warnings. My children, new children, protect yourselves under my mantle and live in my virtues. I warn you that one day the vault of heaven will appear totally orange at dawn. There will be intense cold, and great tribulation and desperation will fall upon humanity. It will be as if hell had descended upon Earth. Parents, children and all human beings will fight among themselves and will seek to kill each other; they will fight each other to death. The skin of some men will fall off and drip over their bones. Others will turn into monstrous and abominable beings, behaving like demons. It will be the culmination of chaos and desperation, but it will not be the end of the world, for only my Father knows that; both the just and sinners will perish. Many who made sacrifices to keep God as their priority will remain standing; then the Love of God above all things will be restored in the new community. All this will be unleashed by men who, wrongly using their free will, engender all sorts of evil. I describe this to you, not in order to frighten you, but so that you may appreciate my Most Beloved Son’s Mercy and Great Love for you. He is waiting, and I call you to immediate and sincere conversion.
All that I have warned can be avoided, and the crisis of faith could be overcome if the chosen become converted and begin living a life of intense prayer, dedicating themselves to penance, submitting themselves to fasting and abstinence, practicing mortification of the senses, and paying special attention to participating in the Sacraments. These are to be received with greater devotion and fervor, each one according to his condition and direction, living in my virtues, and observing the teachings of the Church of my Most Beloved Son.
In accordance with my Son’s request, I propose a plan of commitment and spiritual growth, in order for you to achieve Plenitude. This consists in imitating my Most Beloved Son: in living a disciplined life of prayer, beginning in the morning, then at noon, in the afternoon, and ending the day with the prayer of the Holy Rosary; in frequent fasting along with abstinence on the sixth day – a day men have turned into the day of sin; in living contently a life of countless joys, the fruits of grace, in spite of the cross and suffering; and in being generously disposed to do penance and make sacrifices. In order for you to help my Son lighten the weight of the cross, I ask you to submit yourselves to self-discipline, becoming participants in the purification of mankind by mortifying your senses. All this is to culminate in the joy of participating fervently and intimately in the Holy Eucharist. The fruits of this plan will include a shared quest for the conversion of others by means of a firm, constant, and diligent apostolate.
My children, if you follow all these recommendations, you will then have accepted my invitation to become apostles of these times; in this way you will be participants in my brooch, in the new generation. My new children, you will thus participate in the restoration leading to the achievement of the Seventh Goal: the Plenitude of my Son, now and forever.
One last counsel, my children: the devil will seek to destroy my work and my manifestation to the world. There will be such weakening of things divine that vain and superficial messages will be spoken of on all sides. There will be many alleged apparitions. Some will be genuine while others will be the work of the evil one astutely disguised in light, and these will entangle many souls. Some of these apparitions, which are not my own manifestations, will find support among shepherds and members of the hierarchy of the Church of my Son Jesus. Others where I am indeed present, will be persecuted and repressed, but this must not become a cause of frustration and loss of faith, it is better thus. Remain firm, then, in the Church of my Son, love her more intensely, love your shepherds and priests, striving to live in harmony and communion with them. This will be a sign that you are with me, that you are in me and belong to my Son Jesus, the Christ.
I will give you a sign: Wherever I am present, I will ask for prayer, I will ask for penance, with special attention to fasting, and I will ask for much sacrifice. Above all, I will request a special love for my Greatest Star, My Son, the Eucharist.
I am the Great Angel, envoy of these times, the Virgin of Light, the Virgin Mary, the Spouse of God.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.”
The following are fragments of the fifth message that the Most Blessed Virgin Mary left on her apparition at Barrio Rincón in Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico in April 23, 1953. The fifth message was partially revealed on July 29, 2000. The following fragments were made public to the world on October 28, 2007.
Before the bleeding heart of my Son, I, the Mother of God ask for much prayer for the consecrated members who are no longer in the Mission. Their souls are in great danger. Their alliance with the enemy will bring great sorrows to their souls and to their hearts lacking in love.
Only the Father knows who will be condemned, but Hell is full of men and women who had a commitment with my Son and did not fulfill it, because they failed God. In the silence of my wait, I cry for those who are not present.
“Some will be martyrs and shed their blood, but it is better to lose even the last drop, than to lose the soul forever. Even more, those will become the joy of the Eternal Kingdom and they will own the Sacred Staff. They will receive the graces that my Son has reserved for the martyrs.”
“Warn those who are outside of my small kingdom. I am calling them with urgency because the time of judgment is at hand. There will be no excuses or mercy, because everything has been given to them.”
“When the Lord comes to judge them by fire, they will be the first to see the flames if they are found guilty of deserting without remedy.”
Those who desert and join the enemy will be judged like soldiers of treason. For this reason, pray for them. “Better to be martyrs of blood than deserters without remedy”. They lack love in their heart and are full of hate and vengeance, for this reason I cover my head with a black veil until their hearts are softened and they retake the graces of forgiveness. Be firm soldiers even though our hearts are drained by hate and the lack of charity of those who have distanced themselves.
My Son will provide the Light of my Beloved Spouse and I will open the path to he who serves well, with fidelity, enthusiasm, sacrifice, determination, and gives himself without reserve, without keeping anything for himself.
Forgive those who wound you and cause you to bleed, forgive them 70 times seven. Act as indicated in the prayer that my Son dedicates to the Father. Then you will be true Christians, children of the restoration, now and forever.
The following are fragments of the sixth message left by the Most Blessed Virgin Mary on her apparition at Barrio Rincón in Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico in April 23, 1953. It was made public on May 25, 2008, once her indications were fulfilled.
“…Humanity has been submerged in a world of pleasure, in materialism, in vices, in comfort, and human beings have become dormant to and no longer visualize or feel the spiritual life. Even those who say are faithful followers of my Son Jesus have filled themselves with indifference and have lost their faith. Humanism and worldly sentimentalism have replaced the love for the supernatural and spiritual life. Hope in true life, the eternal life has been lost…
…Spread the news of my Son throughout the world, a supernatural and eternal life exists. This is not an illusion nor is it ethereal; rather it is authentic, palpable. Announce life after death, as the birth to true life, where you no longer die and God will provide us everything without sufferings. In eternal life we will participate of the blessed and eternal grace of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; it will be eternal happiness…
… Strange beliefs and new philosophies which stray from the truth of the Gospel are spread throughout the world without restraint, even in the hearts of many shepherds of my Son’s Church. The dedication and diligence of the Holy Father, to emphasize and call to practice the true doctrine, will be assistance from Heaven… There should be a call to live a life of dedication and apostolic action of greater diligence.
… Insensibility to the spiritual does not let them perceive the great dangers that humanity will confront… Great sufferings await the inhabitants of the earth. Even with money and resources, water and food will be lacking. The time will come when these deficiencies will seem to have been overcome, but they will be intensified and thousands of human beings will die. Many will die from the shortcomings and others will die in struggles and wars to obtain what will be more valuable than gold…
… Pray the holy rosary for peace on Earth and so that my Son may calm nature, for upon the earth will come great disasters and calamities which will bring desolation. The earth will become a difficult and dangerous place for life…
…Many illnesses will emerge; in particular one illness will spread throughout the World and will take many lives… The wind will blow from east to west, the sky will be reddish and the clouds will not cover the sun. The cure will not work and only faith will heal.
…Due to the experiments and works on the cloning of human cells, and genetic works, the humankind will suffer changes that will lead to its deterioration…
… The moment of the great trial is approaching, which will leave destruction and restlessness everywhere. This will happen soon, more tomorrow than today. Do not let your candle burn out; see to it that its light illuminates your house. It will be as if hell had descended upon the earth.
…Powerful nations will enter into combat, which will bring a lot of misfortunes and suffering… They will be struggles between freedom and slavery, life and death, darkness and light… It will happen at dawn on the day of the truth and the siren that inebriates will sound. The flag will be left without a staff, and the noise will make the blind deaf…
…Something not foreseen nor expected will come from above and will cause hardship and restlessness… When it darkens, the children will look up to the sky and the rivers will resound like music. The musician will play the flute, and will take with him some of the chosen ones, and will pick petals from the buds…
…Security for the Holy Father must be reinforced; watch for the day of the fest that celebrates the coming of the Angel. Evil people, who are against the faith, plan darkness in the Church…
A great scientific discovery will bring abundance and tranquility for some time; however, the restlessness will return, until you fully convert to the love of my Lord Jesus.
If the time came that humanity take incurable paths and behaviors and the children, adolescents and young people would already have shown that they do not love God, then all prophecy will be fulfilled in one day and the end will come by order of the Father, who can no longer stand the indifference and the way that humanity has taken. Do not be surprised because you have had knowledge of what the Father will do because I have been warning you.
…I tell this to you, not to frighten you, but so that with your dedication to my Lord, it may be overcome. All of this may be avoided, if humanity is filled with faith and love for my Most Beloved Son, Jesus… Pray the holy rosary, spread the devotion to the prayer of the holy rosary. Promulgate the continuous participation of the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, the Eucharist… If you respond to all that I have asked in my previous messages and, especially, if you embrace the plan of dedication and spiritual growth proposed in my fourth message, I will be able to hold back the mighty hand of my Son.
…I call you to turn away from hatred, grudges, resentments, useless vengeance, envy and all selfishness. These are the cause of the struggles between peoples, between families, and even between siblings. Enlighten your life with the seven stars of my crown…
Make the greatest of all the commandments a reality: You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind…
Humanity must place God before all things, not philosophical nor superficially, but from the heart and with daily practice…
… Believe in the name of my Son Jesus and love one another, as He has commanded us. Because above all things, love will conquer; the love that emanates from sacrifice and dedication will conquer; true love will conquer; that love that led our Lord Jesus to the resurrection, conquering death…
I offer you the seven stars of light as a refuge and I will shelter you under my mantle. I promise, that if you did all that has been asked by my Son Jesus and what has been indicated in my messages, I will protect you from the evil one and from all harm, I will especially help you, so you may find eternal salvation, the one promised by my Son Jesus… Remember and fulfill the promises made to my Lord, so that He will fulfill His promise of salvation in you…
… You, who dwell in my brooch, will receive my protective shield. Faith, dedication, the life consecrated to promulgate my name, the apostolic search to find children and apostles for the restoration, will appease the fury of the enemy.
…When the wind blows with fury, I will be there with you to protect you; when the roaring waters rise, I will be there with you to protect you; when the fire inflames and becomes relentless, I will be there with you to protect you; when the earth shakes violently, I will be there with you to protect you. Do not fear, because you have received the elements in your home and your heart, demonstrating your love for what was created by the Eternal Father; because you have received God the Creator, who is Triune, in your home and your heart, loving one God in his three Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Triune God and His creation are the eternal Plenitude. If you are faithful to my Son and love us, He and I will always be with you …
… On the day that I came to you, you heard: “Do not be afraid.” So fear not, for the multicolored rainbow will shine throughout all the confines of the earth, recalling the great promise of Heaven and earth, yours, mine, and above all, that of my Lord of Heaven.
… I am the Most Pure of El Pozo, Our Lady of the Rosary, envoy of these times by the Lord, my God, my Son Jesus…
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.”
The following notes are not part of the fourth message left by Our Lady of the Rosary of El Pozo. They were added subsequently by a study group, in order to facilitate a better understanding of the message.
1. promise – This refers to the promises of Baptism, consecration or any other
promise or vow made to God. “A vow, that is, a deliberate and free promise made to God about a possible and better good, must be fulfilled by reason of the virtue of religion.” (Canon 1191).
2. promulgation To announce the Good News of Christ with the authority of those
who listen to God’s word and keep it.
3. new community – Refers to that community where, in communion with the Mystical
Body of Christ, His Church, men live committed to the service of
God and their fellow creatures with Christ as model, according to the Gospel’s call to holiness.
4. Plenitude – Christ in the fullness of His Glory, as Head of His Mystical Body,
and source of nourishment for all its members.
5. restoration – Involves those who strive for the coming of the Kingdom of God on
earth, ordering the entire world to Christ so as to make God known, worshiped and served according to the divine plan, and for the glory of God the Father.
6. the chosen – This refers to those who have accepted Christ’s message and live
accordingly: all the baptized who are conscious of and faithful to their commitment as Christians.
7. Seventh Goal – The goal or purpose of any Christian is to achieve holiness by
imitating Christ. In the symbolic language of the Sacred
Scriptures, seven means perfection. Throughout the apparition and
messages of Our Lady of El Pozo, the number 7 is used again and
again, since she calls us to perfection. The “Seventh Goal” of Our
Lady is that the Kingdom of Christ may become a reality amongst
us, who will then reach Plenitude in Him. (Col. 2, 9-10).
8. new generation – Those who make up the new community: committed
Christians living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, You who taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that by the gift of this same Spirit, we may be always truly wise, and ever rejoice in his consolation. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Leader: In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Most Blessed Virgin Mary, purify our lips and our hearts that we may devoutly pray this Holy Rosary, which we offer you, so that the Devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary be spread in plenitude throughout the world. Amen.
For world peace and the conversion of sinners. (Any other petitions).
Oh my Jesus, true God and true Man, Creator, and Our Father and Redeemer, because of who you are and because I love you above all things, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee. I firmly resolve to sin no more, avoid all occasions that may offend you, and confess and abide by my penance. Lord I offer you my life and my works in expiation for all my sins, and just as I ask this of thee, I trust in your Divine goodness and infinite mercy that you may forgive them by merit of your Precious Blood, Passion, and Death; that you may give me the grace to amend myself and persevere in Your Holy Service until the end of my life. Amen.
JOYFUL MYSTERIES (Monday and Saturday)
1. The Annunciation
2. The Visitation
3. The Nativity
4. The Presentation
5. The Finding in the Temple
SORROWFUL MYSTERIES (Tuesday and Friday)
1. The Agony in the Garden
2. The Scourging at the Pillar
3. The Crowning with thorns
4. The Carrying of the Cross
5. The Crucifixion
GLORIOUS MYSTERIES (Wednesday and Sunday)
1. The Resurrection
2. The Ascension
3. The Coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles
4. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
5. The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
1. The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan River
2. The First Miracle of Our Lord in the Wedding Feast of Cana
3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
4. The Transfiguration of Our Lord
5. The Institution of the Holy Eucharist
In each decade:
Leader: Our Father, Who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come; Thy
will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Everyone: Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those
who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
Leader: Hail, Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Everyone: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our
death. Amen.
Leader: Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Everyone: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Short prayers after each decade
Leader: Mary, Mother of grace, Mother of Mercy
Everyone: In our life and our death, Oh Lady protect us.
Leader: Holding on to Mary’s hand, we will go along the way.
Everyone: And through the teachings of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Father we shall see.
Leader: Our Lady of the Rosary of El Pozo
Everyone: Queen and Mother of graces, pray for us.
Leader: Mary most pure
Everyone: Conceived without sin.
Leader: Let us pray an Our Father for Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, and his intentions and three Hail Marys that we may grow spiritually in Faith, Hope, and Love through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Leader: Our Father, Who art in heaven…
Everyone: Give us this day our daily bread…
Leader: Hail, Mary, Daughter of God, the Father, full of grace; the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Everyone: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our
death. Amen.
Leader: Hail, Mary, Mother of God, the Son, full of grace; the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Everyone: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our
death. Amen.
Leader: Hail, Mary, Spouse of God, the Holy Spirit, full of grace; the Lord is with
thee; blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Everyone: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our
death. Amen.
Leader: Hail, Mary, Temple and Sanctuary of the Blessed Trinity, Glory be to the
Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Everyone: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy! Our life, our sweetness, and our hope! To you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve! To you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears! Turn then, most gracious Advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us; and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus! O clement, o loving, o sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us Oh Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.
Litany to the Virgin Mary (optional)
Oh Mother, Queen of our hearts, advocate of those without hope; Mother most pure and compassionate; Mother of the Divine Love and full of divine light, I place in your tender hands the request that I ask from you.
Have mercy on our miseries, our hearts, our tears, our afflictions and interior suffering. We come to you so that by means of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, our prayers may be answered. We promise that as our petitions are granted, we shall spread your glory and will promulgate your name as Mother, Queen of our hearts and Queen of the Universe.
We beg you to listen to us as we kneel daily before your altar where you daily grant us so many signs of your power and of your love, obtaining for us health of body and soul.
We shall never lose hope in you, oh Virgin, our Queen. Ask our Lord Jesus Christ to heal us, to forgive us, and grant us perseverance to the end.
Oh Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of our hearts, heal us; in you we trust.
Oh Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of our hearts, guide us; in you we trust.
Oh Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of our hearts, strengthen us; in you we trust.
Blessed by thy purity and eternal may it be, for only God can delight in such precious beauty. To you, Celestial Princess, Most Blessed Virgin Mary, I offer you on this day my heart, my life, my soul. Look upon me with compassion; do not forsake me, Blessed Mother. Grant me your blessings at all hours of the day and at all hours of the night, Most Blessed Virgin Mary, for I shall receive them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Prayer of Protection
The Most Pure Virgin of El Pozo
Holy Mother of God, Most Pure Virgin of El Pozo, our Lady of the Rosary, I take refuge in the light of your stars. Shelter me under your protective mantle and allow the light that radiates from our Lord, your Beloved Son Jesus, God of Light, always enlighten and guard me. Do not let the candle of hope to extinguish, may it always enlighten my home. I promise to love God above all things and to be faithful to the love of all loves, to our Lord Jesus and to you, Mother Most Pure of El Pozo. Because I hear your words: “Do not be afraid”, today I take refuge in your promise and I beg you:
When the wind blows with fury, Most Pure Virgin of El Pozo, come in my aid, stay with me and protect me.
When the roaring waters rise, Most Pure Virgin of El Pozo, come in my aid, stay with me, and protect me.
When the fire inflames and becomes relentless, Most Pure Virgin of El Pozo, come in my aid, stay with me and protect me.
When the earth shakes violently, Most Pure Virgin of El Pozo, come in my aid, stay with me and protect me.
I do not fear because I have received you in my home and in my heart, thus demonstrating my love for everything created by the Eternal Father. I do not fear because I have received in my home and in my heart the Creator, God who is Triune, loving one God in his three Divine Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I firmly believe that God Triune and His creation are eternal Plenitude. Our Lady of the Rosary, Most Pure Virgin of El Pozo, I want to be faithful to your Son and love you both forever.
Blessed Mother, I trust that Jesus and you will always be with me and protect me, delivering me from the evil one and from all harm. I also trust that you will help me and be my advocate before your Beloved Son so that, when God decides, I may be born to eternal life and see the light of happiness forever. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

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